The safest and truly smart way to save your precious access data and passwords. Goodbye post-it notes, loose leaflets and long searches in the drawers of the house. With “Smart Password Keeper” you can also keep track of your IBAN bank details, your tax code and your identity documents in one place.
If you are tired of always forgetting the passwords to access your sites or devices then “Smart Password Keeper” is the right solution. With its local encrypted DataBase it guarantees you 🤚maximum security🤚 and you will only have to remember a unique and familiar key, forgetting all the others.
You can also take pictures of your cards and documents with the camera of your smartphone and keep them encrypted into the app without fear that some ill-intentioned one can get hold of them.
Caution: the very high standards of security, of military grade, make it impossible for anyone to recover information in case you forget the only password to access the encrypted Database.
We also suggest <b>making manual regular and frequent backups</b> of the DataBase on your private Clouds which, for security reasons that we want to keep at the top, cannot be done automatically.
Get it here: